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Flying Cars in the Ether

Ether Machines are another type of non-traditional flyer. The 18th Century term ether can also be thought of as our term: Zero Point Energy.

In simplicity, when you cool things down to near absolute zero temperatures, they become superconducting. In other words, once you put energy into the devices, it stays there forever so long as you keep the temperature in the very cold superconducting range.

Well, space is ALWAYS in the superconducting range. In fact, you can hear the Big Bang itself at 3 Degrees Kelvin. That's 3 degrees above Absolute Zero.

The vastness of the Universe contains a VAST superconducting energy storage. This energy can be excited into creating matter and the types of energy we can measure.

Karl Schappeller created a device to use the ether energy. And we'll be getting to that.

According to Schappeller, Primary Physics deals with this ether, zero point, energy. And all the physics that we know, including aerodynamics, deals with Secondary Physics. He created a sphere that uses ether in what he termed Reverse Thermodynamics. Instead of creating heat, it works by creating cold.

We know how to measure heat. Thermometer, for instance. But how do you measure cold?

The wartime Germans figured out that gravity could be produced by a quadrupolar machine. It was a + and - thermodynamic machine, coupled with a + and - reverse thermodynamic machine. This quadrupolar setup created gravity. Point it, and it's "anti" gravity... They called it a Vril.

What happened after the war was that as the Allies and the Russians overran the research and development areas, the Nazis, mostly SS overlords with war mentalities, destroyed the working models and papers.

What about the information that does survive? What can WE do about it?

Well there are three (3) United States Patents that define a low-cost Flying Car that YOU can own.

One patent is issued and is a 'green' engine that we SHOULD be using right now. Today's car engines, if they used $3 per gallon gas, go down the road on $1 of that and throw away in heat $2. The patented engine will use $2 to go down the road and only throw away $1.00. Now this is the REAL way to save energy. It can power an SUV on only four cylinders! It has compact, efficient power.

The other two patents describe a Flying Car that uses the hybrid engine because it is light and powerful. The Flying Car is low cost and our best chance of getting a genuine George Jetson machine in our garages.

Join Flying Car Buddies and see.

Ether Machines are only an Out-of-the-Box aspect of developing and building Flying Cars. 3 US Patents define a truly down-to-earth Flying Car that we can take into space. It is low cost and can be owned by everyone. What about the Vril information that does survive? What can WE do about it? What can we do to change the future and bring true flying cars into real life? Join and see...

By G. Tea

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